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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Role Models

There's been many instances in my life where I've learned the hard way what I should not say or do, or to at least be vigilant of how I say or do something. I've become increasingly aware of this as I spend more time around kids, whose naivety and lack of experience in life causes them to interpret things quite differently.  You see my bro and I never grew up around a lot of kids.  Actually I think my parents were the youngest on our block for most our lives.  Many of the neighbors who did have kids they were already in high school or college or full grown.  Besides, Shawn and I were too geeky and weird to have a lot of friends. And of course it didn't help matters that we were the fat non-athletic bowling kids, despite that I really don't think I started to show a little chubbiness until first or second grade (what happened to the good days dammit?) I think a good way to describe both of us is 13 going on 65.  How many kids sit around playing pinochle with their grandparents and great-grandparents; try to grasp the concept of Fahrenheit 451 before sixth grade; write their first My Little Pony book during summer break with hopes yet of being published; draw covers of their future hit albums; dedicate a devoted 30-60 minutes to their violin or cello a day and yes even during the summer; listen to your parents' Yes, Deep Purple, Chicago, Three Dog Night, Kansas, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, Boston, Boy George (yeah my mom was a fan, yeah crazy, and she also had a brief love affair with Lionel Ritchie ) records and try to analyze their true meaning and form; tune into Wide World of Sports/ESPN at 7 on a Sunday morning and memorize every clip of historic football footage to the point you believed you were actually at Super Bowl IX and can recall every Steelers play even though you were only 1 at the time; play dress up and go sneak into the playroom when no one is paying attention so you can lip sync to mom's records or sing very softly hoping no one would hear (Yeah and I'm still lookin' for an agent bitches!); confess that you religiously watched Dr. Who and admitted your favorite movies were War of the Worlds and Fantastic Voyage while your friends were watching Punky Brewster and Rainbow Bright; stop whatever you were doing or playing at exactly 1 p.m. so you could go have tea with mom and watch Marlena get locked in a cave on some deserted island on Days of Our Lives?...I mean the list could go on and on.  Shawn and I were a far cry from the typical kid who played in the mud, climbed trees (I didn't climb my first until I was 30 OMG I can't believe I just admitted that), slide down slides or went on rides because OMG you could get stuck or even DIE on this thing!!!!  Kiddie rides kill you know.  Grandma: "I just read that a Guatemalan kid was on a carousel when he fell and got run over by a wagon!  You shouldn't go on those things!"  So to make a long, dragged out story short, Shawn and I were very good at behaving like adults around adults, but pretty much lost the aspect of what it was like to be a "kid," especially around other kids.  In adulthood that has translated to an awkwardness felt when we are around the little  ones.  With that said and with this very thorough and accurate background, I don't realize that while around my friends or family's little whipper snappers that I'm being some kind of influence in the way I act or things I say.  Quite frankly, I'm always afraid kids hate me and don't want to be around me, let alone pay attention to what I'm saying or doing.  Am I a positive role model?  With the f-bomb being one of my favorite words, my road rage, my you can kiss my ass and lick it attitude, my constant personal degradation and with my obnoxious smart-assness being an in-born part of my nature, I would have to honestly say, "NOT!!!!"  So is it my fault when kids are around me and they start to pick up some, we'll call them, peculiar traits?  Or if I let them sneak a treat or go on the computer when they're not suppose to — "Hey, lil' dude, just don't tell your mother."  Hence my additive: "What happens at Nikki's house, stays at Nikki's house.  Yeah, like Kiddie Vegas.  Let's go to a specific example like my friend Grace's son, Nat.  He's 8.  When he's around I try to be vigilant of the potty mouth and try to encourage him on endeavors like hitting golf balls or wanting to go water my plants or search for rocks in my backyard when he comes over for visits with his mom and Curt.  At Christmas time I made sure he knew I was deemed one of Santa's elves due to my long history of well behavior as a child (you know like a promotion) and knew on a personal one-on-one basis whether he was behaving on the bus and if he was doing well on his school work.  Nikki Radar. A success.   He fell for it and sucked it right in.  But recently we have discovered that Nat, being the sponge that he is, has sucked up some other Nikki traits.  Yes, let that be a lesson. Self: kids are like sponges and they tend to absorb EVERYTHING.  No selective sopping here.  Well, last night we're watching my husband's and Curt's softball game and Nat goes up to his mom, points at his eyes, then points to his mom and says, "I'm watching you mom!"  I start to laugh but abruptly stop myself.  Wait.  That's the Bobby DeNiro.  I'm famous for that.  That's my thing.  Could he have watched me do it sometime?  Did it around him and picked it up from me?  NAAAAAAAAAAAH.  You're just imagining things.  Nat goes off to play for a little while as Grace and I continue to watch the game.  About 10-15 minutes later Nat returns.  He starts play fighting with his mom.  He pounds his chest, "Bring it mom! Bring it!  BRING IT!"  I'm stunned.  I cannot move.  Grace and I had the same thought at the exact same time.  I began to slouch down in my chair and pretend I didn't hear when I feel Grace's eyes roll up and her head turn slowly in my direction.  Grace to Nat: "You never used to say this stuff before.  Gee, I wonder where you're getting all this from?!" (Looks at me) Me: "Um, actually I usually say that.  That's kind of my line," I said, with a hint of denial that states, 'Hey someone else out there in the universe could be saying the same thing and that's where he got it from.'  Grace: "I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!   He keeps doing stuff and I keep wondering where he's getting it from and I realize IT'S YOU!!!!!"  A moment of awkward oops.   This has happened before on my recollection.  In Florida while watching Eric's niece and nephew back in December, I had to scold Aedan for biting his sister.  I release my weapon from my holster and fire: yes, the "POINTY FINGER."  I never ever had a moment of self realization as this.  I point at him, not realizing I'm doing what I'm doing and demand, "You don't bite your sister.  Why would you do something to someone you wouldn't want done to yourself?!!!!!!"  The next morning, Aedan goes to his mother, Eric's sister, and demands to go to the pool.  "Mommy I want to go to the pool right now!," as he points his tiny pointer finger in his mother's face.  Dawn and Mom: "Hey where did you get that from?  You've never pointed at me before!"  Another moment of opps.  I didn't realize that was  a "Nikki thing" until the next scolding came along and the pointer was fired.  It took weeks of careful study and exploration to pin the pointer finger thingy on my grandmother, so at least I had someone to blame on where I got that from.  I noticed when she was scolding me about not coming to visit often enough.  So you see my friends, I guess you can say we are all role models, whether we realize it or not.  Somewhere lurking is some lil punk who is watching everything we do and listening to everything we say and taking it all in.  So be careful out there.   Be mindful that you in some minor, insignificant way, are actually helping to shape the future.  So watch how you represent yourself.  You could be bringing up a next generation of cussing, finger flipping, obnoxious little a-holes, JUST LIKE ME! :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Marriage Counseling

Doc: So Nik and Marte'n we are here today to talk through some issues you are having with your fantasy relationship.  It is my understanding that the Devils have made it to the Stanley Cup Finals and are now down 4-0.  An overwhelming possibility looms that NJ could be the victims of a Kings' clean sweep.  I understand that this has caused some tension between you two and hopefully today we can work out some of the conflicts and get you onto a path of healing and positive hockey reinforcement.
Nik: Thank you doctor.   I'll start from the beginning.  It was when I was 11 or 12 years old that I began my infatuation with the Devils.  You see I grew up with my dad and bro as Minnesota North Star fans, now the Dallas Stars.  Having only one television in the house and dad ruling the roost, I had no choice but to watch every single Hockey Night in Canada that the Stars appeared in and to sum up the early to mid-80s experience: They totally sucked!  I remember my dad grunting and snarling every time I asked him obnoxiously, yet sincerely, "Dad why is your hockey team so bad?  How can you watch them?"  Being the only girl in the family, if I wanted to have conversations with my dad, bro or anyone else, I needed to learn to speak sports.  But the Northstars were totally freakin' embarrassing!  Yet I really truly wanted to give hockey fandom a go.  I explored the Pittsburgh Penguins because after all, they had a cute penguin for their logo.  But that was too girly a choice and it just wouldn't stick.  Then I thought, well every summer we go to Toronto and I feel I have some small tie to the Canadian people, like they're my cousins and stuff, so maybe I'll like the Maple Leafs.  But then I couldn't figure out how they couldn't be deemed totally disloyal for not having a red leaf for Canada as opposed to the blue leaf.  The blue leaf made no sense at all!  I've never freakin' seen a blue leaf before! So the Canadiens were blue and red so what!  Steal the red.  You're clashing customs here.  So again, my heart strings could not tie.  But then came the Utica Devils games.  I enjoyed it when mom and dad brought us to the Utica Aud.  It wasn't like the hockey on TV. It was actually very exciting and fun to watch! So at one game dad said, "You see these guys here?...They get called up to the hockey teams we watch on T.V."  And I was like really?!  "Yes the guys you see here playing right now could one day play for the New Jersey team in the NHL."
Marte'n: Oookay, so what does this all have to do aboot me?  I doon't understand.
Nik: Would you have some courtesy and let me explain my psychosis!  See how he tries to control me?
Doc: Yes Marte'n try not to interrupt.   Your fantasy wife needs to publicly express her feelings.  Nik, please continue...
Nik:  So if we fast forward to 1995, the year I graduated high school, I was going through a very difficult time in my life, but my team came through with who would become my future Captain of My Fantasy Husband Team, Super Star Goalie Marte'n Brrrrrrrrrrroduer.  And so our relationship began and I've pretty much been infatuated ever since.  Even the whole cheatin on the wife with the brother's wife thing some years back...I got past it for Marte'n the goalie, not Marte'n the man!
Doc: Interesting.
Nik: Indeed.
Doc: So, when did your harsh feelings against Marte'n begin?
Nik: Well, it kind of sorta started after the first game against the Flyers in the first round, even though I was never expecting my team to get that far this year. Going back to December, things weren't looking too hot.  I didn't totally blame Marte'n until the gossip behind the scenes talk began about Marte'n retiring and he didn't even feel the need to share this with me!
Marte'n: Ummmm.   Seeing that I didn't know you even existed, I really don........
Nik: (Glare)
Marte'n: Sooorry.
Nik: Anywho, I tried to be a supportive fantasy wife anyway.  Forty is not too old.  You can't leave me!
Doc: What do you mean leave you?  Wouldn't Marte'n be leaving hockey?
Nik: Um well, isn't it the same thing?  I mean if Marte'n leaves who am I going to absolutely love? Who's going to be my Devil?  Who's going to be my Fantasy Husband?
Doc: Interesting.  So you're having feelings of abandonment...go on.
Nik: Ok so then we move...
Doc: We?  You mean the Devils?
Nik: Yeah? WE!  So we move on to play the Rangers and things get a bit uptight for me.  I actually wanted the Rangers in the series at first because I was scared at how the Capitals were looking.  If we faced them I was afraid we'd go down for sure.  I felt against the Rangers we had a better chance despite the fierce rivalry and the nightmare of 1994 not far from our minds.  But they fought hard.  We went and pounced on them as soon as we hit the ice, but then we'd die by the second period.  We weren't producing well enough during power plays and this really concerned me.  I was yelling, I was screaming and no one was listening.  I consider my husband superhuman goalie, but he was letting shots through!  How dare he!
Doc: So your expressing your anger, and no one is responding...
Nik: Yeah whatever. So anyway I was hugely scared. I would go to bed depressed, angry, frustrated and confused on loss nights.  But I was loyal to the end and we finally came through.  Then came the first day of the finals against....huh.....LA, and I made everyone where black and red to work for Devils day. (tear)
Doc: I'm very proud you were able to say...L.A. by the way.
Nik: I know but it's really really hard to do especially without my Molson here! (Big sob)
Doc: I know, it's OK...
Knock at the door.  "Hallooo..."
Doc: Come on in Wayne.
Nik: Ummm. Really?  The Great One?  Who the hell invited the Great One to our counseling session?
Gretzky: Sorry Donny was still getting dressed so he's running a little late.  He couldn't find his glow in the dark bow tie.
Nik: Donny?  Don Cherry?  He's forbidden. Forbidden!  All he's done is rip my guys from one series to the next.  He always wants the favorite!  First the Bruins dynasty...Then the Canadiens dynasty...Don Cherry can go Kiss My...
Doc: Now let's breath Nik, Feng Shui, Feng Shui.  Since the L.A. Kings seem to be deeply rooted in the problems you and Marte'n's fantasy marital status, I felt it was important you speak to a representative of the focal point of your furiousness.
Nik: Is that the best you could come up with? How much am I paying you per hour anyway?
Doc: Seeing you work for the Sentinel and this is a total fantasy don't worry, we'll have Bobby Orr foot the bill.
Nik: Sweet then.
Gretzky: Haaalloo Marte'n....and you are?
Doc: (Whisper) Nik, it's Nik, don't piss her off any more!
Gretzky: Nicole...I understand you are having some issues with the outcome of the first four games of the Stanley Cup finals and this is upsetting you a great deal and putting pressure on a relationship that Marte'n had no idea he had.
Nik: Exactly.  You see, the thing that nips me in the bud is that I had respect for your guys.  Eight seat. That's a freakin' awesome accomplishment right there.  If it were under different circumstances I'd be like kootos! You go!  But how can I when you're playing my guys and my fantasy husband?
Gretzky: I understand.  Thanks for the respect.
Nik: Yeah, whatever.  But it's the Game 3 I obviously can't come to terms with.  I mean, here Sunday I go to a family Christening and get ripped by my cousins and get reminded of the only single goal we "rightfully" scored off you guys.  But at least you were keeping the games close, while keeping in mind you (points sharply to Marty) were still keeping me up nights and totally depressing me to the point my husband put his hand over my mouth just so he could go to sleep because I just couldn't stop rambling on and on about my heart ache!
Eric: Yeah, what's hockey?
Nik: Yeah, and that's why I need a fantasy husband so shut up!  Who asked you?
Doc: Nik please continue.
Nik: Yeah, so, so yeah, um and then came Game 3 I couldn't hardly watch.  I believed that I was a total curse for my guys and they were better off if I stayed away.  But I kept peeking during commercial breaks.  It was 2-0 when I gave up but I turned back just before going to bed, only to witness the horror of a 4-0 shut out!  Marty?  Really?  Where the F were you?!!!!!!!!!
Marte'n: Ummm. I already had my ass reamed by DeBoer.
Nik: Yeah not good enough.  NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
Gretzky: But this is a great thing for L.A. and it's a great thing for the NHL!
Nik: WHAAAAAAAAAT?  Really?  Really?  Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?  LA doesn't even deserve a hockey team!  I hate LA and I've never even been to California. I already know I hate it!  They don't get any snow.  They don't even know what ice is.  I take flu kooties and spit in your damn cup you BASTARD!  Damn you and damn Stanley!
Doc: Ok Nik, we're not into promoting violence here. let's remove your hand from Wayne's neck, nice and slow like...very good.  Good girl.
Nik: Marte'n I wanted the Stanley Cup and now I don't get the Stanley Cup!  What about my needs?!
Marte'n: Ummm.. aboot that.  You really wouldn't be getting it anyway.
Nik: OH REALLY?!!!!!!!!! (Jumps on Brodeur and puts him in head lock and kicks in knee).
Stay tuned for the next episode of Will Nik Finally File for Divorce Against Martin Brodeur?   Will Game 4 clinch it?  Only the hockey gods know for sure.