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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wow, my first blog!

Yeah Ok, so Nik finally enters the 21st century woohoo blabidy blah blah!  I know, it's about freakin' time.  Quite frankly the one person I hate talking — the one thing I HATE talking — is ME, so it's short of a miracle that I'm even here right now.  So what does Nik have to say?  What deems her worthy of her own blog? What she got to change the world?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  Say I was inspired by my friend Beth and it is with her genius (yeah don't get a big head over there bitch) that I came up with the idea for this blog and thus christened it "Don't B Hatin'................Nik"  Well, I don't know if it's because of the fact I've hit 35 and getting old, but in the last couple months I've discovered a new sense of self-awareness.  I've been able to look as far back as even certain childhood events and have come to understand why I reacted to certain things in years past the way I did, and kind of how that has shaped the person I am now.  Even though I still don't have a freakin' clue who that is!  I'd like to think this is all coming about because, you know what they say, women reach their sexual "peak" at the age of 35.  I will just keep telling myself that the next time my hubby hounds me to put on a G-string, which I prefer to refer to as "Ass Floss."  I know some of you gals out there are with me on this one.  Anyway, my response to him next time will be, "I don't need to make me sexy for you, I'm already 35 BITCH!"  Just let it flow naturally.  So why "Don't B Hatin'"? Because naturally with age and more time to reflect on life's experiences you learn to hate more.  Wow, that just sounded good to me, I don't know about you.  But you don't have to be old or 35 to hate either.  Hell, 20-somethins do it every day: "Whatcha mean I gots ta add 2+9?  My laptop and iPad can do that but they just died!  Where's the easy button?" Yes be warned I'm a bitter "HATIN'" Generation X-er and like to put down Generation Y-ers as much as I possibly can.  It's an art form.  If you don't know what an Easy Bake Oven is, never came home from school to watch G.I. Joe and Transformers or never knew what it was to play with your Pound Puppies and sing along to the Get Along Gang song, then I HATE YOU!  You have nothing worthy to say to me.  And so....the hate has begun.  Listen, throughout the generations HATE has just gotten a bad wrap. You say I hate doing this...I hate my boss...I hate my job...I hate that it's cold outside...I hate that my co-worker won't wash his skanky salt-stained pants...The list can go on and on.  But if we tend to use the word "hate" a lot, we are condemned by some as being "negative."  Why ya gotta be so negative?  Can't you ever find something "positive" to say?  Why hate?  Cuz it's easy!  And we've been doing it since the beginning of time, so why should we have to fight it?  It's part of human nature — how we express ourselves.  Like you know, when Adam and Eve were over there in the garden playin' with each other's apples and God said, "Um don't be eatin' that!," and Adam replied, "Don't B Hatin'...God!  Just cuz you can't get no apples.  Just cuz you can't get your core on.  How 'bout them apples?"  And God pointed his pointer finger, started shaking it, and yelled, "That's not how you speak to your father young man, so you can go to hell!"  And thus instead of humans living in the eternal sunshine of the mind, we're stuck in this shithole: Earth!  Now that was the hate that started all hates ladies and gentlemen.  So truthfully, how can we NOT hate?  And you know who the best haters are?  Women!  Now guys, I'm not saying that to be sexist here.  We have to look at this from a historical stand-point.  For generations, women have been able to pass onto their children and children's children the art of BITCHING.  Yes, this BITCHING is the ultimate form of hate expression.  And only women have perfected it.  I can only imagine that bitching must go as far back as to when men used to hit their chosen lovers over the head and carry them by the hair to their caves.  "I just VO5 hot oiled asshole!" Day one: the first bitch.  Let's face it, besides beer (we'll have to get into that in another episode), what else do we have to make us feel better but bitching!  And what is bitching?  It's a form of complaining and why do we complain, because WE HATE!  So next time a man says something and it's considered a complaint, but a woman says the same thing and she's accused of bitching, don't be insulted galfriends!  It's actually who we are and what we do!   So I say the movement is this: It's OK to hate.  It's OK to be bitter.  Don't fight it, let it out!  There's lots out there to bitch about and there's lots to hate.  And the scary thing is: Some good things may come out of it, even if it's just the fact that we feel a little better.  That the monkey isn't weighing so heavily on our shoulders.  We're not promoting violence here.  We're not promoting any type of aggression whatsoever.  So if you need to bitch about something..If you need to hate?  Come right here.  We're here to listen and still not give a shit.  Bring it!  BRING IT!!!!!


  1. Today, I've decided to hate Marlena Evans. That smile is so smug the Pope couldn't wipe it off with a castrated Dutch boy.

  2. That's good. That's good! Well she may be fictional but I can say today I hate Samantha Brady because she's a whining douchebag who can never own up to her own mistakes. I call her out cuz there's too many real people out there exactly like her. Must be enough in fact, I felt the need to script this. So I deem Samantha Douchebag of the Day, in honor of my Monday word of the day: Douchebag. Remember: It's never your own fault, it's because Earth has been invaded by the Planet Douchebag!

  3. Ok, as per what I expected, the only person reading about me is ME! Well Dan too, thanks for the support yo! Anyway, I need to get this off my chest. I HATE the social stigma against the public poop. We all poop. We all smell. It happens on a daily basis, 24/7. Believe it or not, humans aren't the only things that poop! So to show our proper place on the food chain do we feel a need to say "OMG I can't poop there!" I can't poop at work they'll know it's me and they'll know I smell. I can't poop at Wal-Mart. I can't poop at the movies. REALLY?!!!! I don't remember any kind of alien being coming down to Earth and telling us Don't poop in public or you're going to catch the black plague and implode! I don't know, maybe I was out sick that day. Just sayin. But seriously, why if it's something that we all do that we feel that we can only do it at certain times and in certain places? Grant it, most public bathrooms should be deemed condemned even for a roach, but still. If we all do it and we feel the need to go, and it's even bad for our health if we don't go, then WHY DON'T WE JUST GO! Listen I smell and chances are you will smell too. So it's OK! Whoever said pooping is only for the home potty: I HATE YOU!

  4. "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate.. to suffering ...
    Listen Yoda, I love you. I really do. You're like the smartest dude ever! Like, in the whole universe, really. I respect you and those big pointy ears of yours Reeeeerrrrr! But we all already suffer so when one is already at point B do we not revert back to point A young Jedi? Your thoughts?

  5. Another thing I hate today: I hate people who don't like hockey because of "all the fighting." "Fighting doesn't belong in sports." Weh weh weeeeeeeeh!! It's part of the game, it's what makes it great and Canadians have been doing it for generations and have still managed not to wipe themselves completely off the planet (of course I'm sure Tim Horton's and their 10-year-old doughnut preservation system had something to do with that too).

  6. My friend Lori, she's a HATER!
    "This week is never going to end - does anyone else feel like their wasting their life away at work uggh I'm done in 2 years no more of this!"

  7. I hate hearing about the freaking Pope cruising around Cuba demanding human rights and freedom of religion. Since when since Peter was crucified in Rome 2000 years ago has the f'n C church given a shit about human rights or freedom of religion as in ... chain that heretic to the wall circa 1620 for wanting to pray to a kinder/gentler Jesus and burn him! .... and move Father Flanagan to another county to stop him bugger'n little Sean O'Meara and his little friends in the choir and then condemn gay marriage between consenting adults as an abomination and bestiality you hypocritical old Nazi fart... go rot in one of your Catholic owned prisons. HATE

  8. Wow, that's some strong hate there Danno and thanks to my two Dannos we've got some real condemnation of the church today here my friends. Keep hating...
