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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Eight Days A Week

As I sat here at my desk, after just completing my third story of the morning, I couldn't help but think how tired I was.  A slight yawn.  Don't want to open my mouth too wide as to portray the false pretenses that I'm bored or trying to take in all the stale cancer air my lungs could possibly handle inside this diseased cesspool known as our work place.  I couldn't help wonder how I could feel so exhausted.  After all, my day off for the week was Monday, so this being Wednesday, it was really just my Tuesday.  For all those like me who can't do math, today is my second day of the work week.  Yes, it's always nice to have a long three-day weekend — one more day added to your weekend that you don't have to worry or deal with hell and damnation.  But at the same time it sucks!  For everyone else this is the day deemed Hump Day, week half over the hump woo hoo.  Getting even closer toward the weekend.   But not for me.  In all actuality and pessimistic reality, my week is just beginning.  So by the time I reach Saturday, which will also be a work day for me now, this week will feel like it's taking forever to if it were Eight Days a Week, rather than a five-day work week.  Well it was after I uttered those very words inside my head that I totally coincidentally found a story on Yahoo News about the Beatles offspring.  Just so happens that Paul's kid, James McCartney, thinks it would be a swell idea to get all the Beatles' kids together to form their own band.  First reaction...You've got to be freakin' kiddin' me, right?  So of course I had to click and read more.  Besides, only being familiar with Sean Lennon, I was kind of interested in seeing what the Beatles' kids actually looked like anyway.  HUGE mistake!  First of all James, the genius who floated this whole idea about a kiddie show like a limp biscuit, looks something like the Hobbits meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Seriously man.  It was for people like you that the phrase, "a face only a mother could love" was invented!  I don't think it's even fair to go as far as blaming the acid and Sergeant Pepper for it!  And you want to be the front-runner of some rock band?  Go kick some shell instead!  Second and even more disturbing was one of his initial comments: "I think we should call it something like, 'The Beatles — The Next Generation.'"  Really Jimmy?  Thanks for the creativity.  Well I'm afraid I already spoke to Patrick Stewart and Levar Burton and they're totally PISSED!  Bill Shatner doesn't give a rats ass as long as he makes some royalties off it so he can quit doing those Priceline commercials.  But he said you guys are only allowed to borrow the RED SHIRTS!  It appears that the only voice of reason behind this whole thing is Ringo's oldest boy, drummer Zak Starkey, who by the way is a "real musician."  Jimmy says, "I don't think it's something Zak wants to do."  Thank God!  At least his daddy's trippin' didn't go into his blood!  So today, I hate kids born with silver spoons in their mouths who have nothing better to do, besides living off their daddies' fortunes, but to sit around their multi-billion mansions dreaming up of ways they can make themselves look like they're at least trying to contribute to society.  Listen, the Fab Four was a generational icon.  It was not meant to be copied or replaced, even though Disney World, Hollywood and pathetic garage bands have been trying to do it for years.  It was what it was.  Let John and George rest in peace!  You want to bring back "The Next Generation?," then clone the original!  Bring back exact copies.  Don't let the mundane and talentless try to revive what WAS great just so they can try to have some sense of purpose only to have it become a complete embarrassment for all the generations.  So kids I leave you with this...Why don't you take your own daddies' advice, "Hey Jude (Dude) Don't make it bad...For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool!"

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